Imaginary Text

Post Archive

On Cats and Safety

Some refections on living and perhaps nearly dying with cats.

Using Pandoc and Typst to Produce PDFs

My last post on Typst for a bit, I promise. This is an attempt to do a basic tutorial on producing nice PDFs from markdown, using Pandoc and Typst.

More on Typst

More adventures in open-source typesetting with Typst. This time: typesetting an actual book, with open-source tools. Plus: ghosts, dandies, and beheaded queens!

Pumping the Heat

I want to sing a bit of praise for our heatpump. It's two years since we've had it, and I was reflecting today on how much I appreciate its quiet, stable service to our home. People wonder whether these things will do the trick, so here I offer up my experience.

Carol Twombly: A Review

In honour of International Women's Day, a review of Nancy Stock-Allen's excellent biography of type designer Carol Twombly, whose career spanned the whole first period of digital typography.

Text Processing Techniques & Traditions

This coming June, at the DHSI, I'm renewing my course: *Text Processing Techniques and Traditions* -- or, Why the History of Computing Matters to DH. In which we zoom in on the continuities between print culture and modern computing, rather than seeing these as distinct lineages separated by a conceptual break. While re-writing the course, I wrote a short reflection on what it's about.

Playing with Typst

I have been playing with Typst, a new, open-source typesetting tool that replaces LaTeX and also plays very nicely with modern digital publishing pipelines. In this post I offer some potted history and some reflections on why it might matter.

Visualizing the Weather

To satisfy my obsession with the weather, I made a little Javascript visualization of Environment Canada's weather data: it creates a nice chart summarizing temperatures and precipitation over a year. Here's the write-up.

Forgotten Albums: Keep Your Silver Shined

I thought I'd have a go at some music criticism after listening to this album for the first time in about a decade. *Keep Your Silver Shined* is Virginia-based folksinger Devon Sproule's third studio album, from 2007. I was very much enamoured of it when it was new, and listening to it again now I find it's not only held up, but has even improved with changing contexts.

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